Rick has been officiating wedding ceremonies since 1995 and works hard to keep the bride and groom's personal touch on each. He incorporates biblical truth, fun and a sense of awe in conducting the ceremony while attempting to communicate to those attending a bit of what brought the couple together.
My husband had never met Rick prior to the wedding and was very thankful to have him there, as he made us feel at ease during this important and somewhat stressful event. Rick is well-versed in the wedding ceremony process and led the entire wedding party through their specific roles until I felt comfortable. His message was pure and simplistic, capturing the essence of the love my husband and I share.
I would recommend Rick Knable to anyone looking for an Officiant, as he made our day very special.
Brian and Megan

- Entrance
- Welcome and Prayer
- Bride 'Giveaway':"Who gives (bride) to be married to (groom)?
- Scripture Readings / Poetry / etc.
- A few thoughts on marriage (5-10 min. max)The message will be tailor made for you, reflecting your love and incorporating scripture or readings of your choice - recommendations are available.
- Declaration of Intent: The "I-do's""(Groom/Bride) Do you take (Bride/Groom) to be your (wife/husband) and to live together in the covenant of marriage, to love, comfort, trust them; to stay with them throughout your life, for richer or poorer, forsaking all others to be faithful to them alone as long as you both shall live?" "I Do."
- Vows: Could be any variation you like. Possibly:"I (Groom/Bride) take you (Bride/Groom) to be my wedded (Wife/Husband). To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, according to God's holy plan, I give you my love."
- Ring Ceremony: Blessing and vows.Blessing: "These rings are a continuous band of precious metal made to symbolize and remind you of your continual love and devotion to each other. God, bless these rings that as (Bride & Groom) wear them, they may be reminded of your unending love and the love they are committing to today for the rest of their lives. Amen."
Vows: "(Groom/Bride), while placing this ring on (Bride/Groom) finger, repeat after me: I give this ring as a symbol of my everlasting love and commitment to you."
- Specials:Unity candle, Sand Ceremony, Communion, Special Song, etc.
- Prayer of Blessing
- Pronouncement of Marriage:"Even as (Bride & Groom) have given themselves to each other by solemn vows in the presence of these witnesses, with the joining of hands and giving of rings, by the authority given me as a Pastor of The Vineyard Church, I now declare you husband and wife according to the ordinances of God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together, let no one separate.
- Kiss: the best part!
- Present Couple:"Friends and family, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, (however you would like to be introduced)"